Thursday, March 31, 2016

March Madness

March Madness apparently isn’t just about basketball. My March was absolutely BANANAS, in a good and quirky way. After having such a high from my awesome 32nd birthday, I went into March 2016 feeling excited, happy and energetic. That energy attracted a very memorable March:

DREAMS: Man….Vivid dreams have been part of my life since I was a child. This month, I woke up at at 3 am or 4 am, every 2 days from a dream...exhausting. These dreams leave me in shock, scared, happy, moved, confused or all five. I’m not sure why THIS month I've had all these dreams, but it helped me realize I totally need to get back to writing my poetry, my first love.

I also think God wants me to have early morning prayer because this waking up 2 and 3 hours before the alarm goes off is rough!

LOYALTY: My definition of “loyalty” was questioned this month. I learned that you can’t expect people to treat you with the same loyalty that you give. I’m a reciprocal person... until things aren’t reciprocal... Ironically, I felt it coming (a dream). Whenever things are peaceful and happy, the enemy usually issues me an emotional attack. The lessons on loyalty let me know I’ve grown, I’m still growing.

GROWTH: Speaking of growth, this month brought me some crazy/memorable moments, both personally and professionally. Every event forced me to remember to keep my peace and stay "intentional" in my actions and words.

Miami Night with Caity
Growth was also a big theme for March 2016 because for 30 days, I spent every day praying for my future husband. I participated in the Praying For The One You'll Love Forever challenge in which I wrote daily prayers for my husband. I'll give it to him on the day we get married.

The experience was such a blessing because I haven't been optimistic and enthusiastic about dating in YEARS! It also reassured me of what I already knew: I'm capable of selfless love and friendship.

FRIENDSHIP: Caity and I haven’t physically seen each other in 14 years. And although we’ve kept in touch and know about each other’s lives (thanks Facebook), we haven’t been around each other since we were teenagers. A lot has changed , but that’s why her visit to South Florida was a highlight of March. The connection we had back in July 2001 is now even stronger because of her visit. We laughed….a lot and we had some heart-to-heart talks that strengthened a bond that I value, love, and cherish. Love you, DBG!