Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My male bestie is jumping the broom

Denise and Cornel supporting my work for an Obama fundraiser
October 2007
I have two male best friends: Cornel and Jovon.

Over the past 5 years, life has made my friendships with both men flourish and reach a place none of us ever saw coming. Both men have prayed with me, for me, and given me the hard advice and love that was sometimes was difficult to hear. Their honesty, rawness and support has shaped me, educated me, and uplifted me. My friendship, with both men, is priceless.

This weekend, I am flying to San Diego to witness the union between Cornel and my new sister, Jamie. I might cry.

You see, Cornel has been a brother to me since the day I met him. I can’t explain it. We just clicked. I felt like I've known him for longer than only 9 years. It could be that Cornel talks a lot and enjoys being challenged. My sarcastic ways/tone made him talk more! Eventually, we both started listening and found out we had a lot in common but very different, too.

Since our initial meeting in 2006 when I first arrived in Chicago, we have supported each other in ways unknown to many. All big dreams, thoughts or concerns, we shared with each, hoping for honest feedback and prayer.

A week before his 30th birthday, Cornel called me. “Aye, sis. I wanna talk to you about something.”

Jamie, me and Cornel in L.A.
April 2015
He was planning to propose to his girlfriend on his birthday. I liked her, although I had only heard stories about her from him. She made my friend happy and motivated him to be better. His smile and demeanor was different because of her. So as usual, I gave him feedback and honesty on his proposal speech. Shorten and be sappy. I also applauded the awesome job he did on her engagement ring!

Cornel, I dedicate this blog post to you to extol you. Black men often don’t hear that people celebrate them, so I want you to know that I’m so proud of you. Stating that I admire you and all the work you’ve done to become the man you are today wouldn’t properly communicate how excited I am about this next journey in life.

Proverbs 18:22 says "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD." You prayed for Jamie and God blessed you with someone who is supportive and beautiful. Jamie is a gift. The favor you have had in so many areas of your life is a true testimony about the power of order, prayer and perseverance. Jamie is an amazing woman and beautiful catch. I can't wait for our future trips :)

I appreciate your focus on living a purposeful and productive life. Keep God in your life and He will continue to order your steps, according to His plan. I’m thrilled to be there to celebrate this moment with you and the start of your family. You deserve this happiness and I’m proud to call you brother.

Just stay out of the way when I dance with your daddy :)

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