Monday, February 17, 2014

Why I decided to blog

My name is Sharonda G. and at work, I do a lot of writing. I write about the issues connected to my job, draft newsletters, draft communications plans, event flows, e-appeals...the list goes on. And I love every minute of it, but sometimes, I just want to be creative. I want to use 100 exclamation points just because it feels good. I want to write in ALL CAPS because you know what, I LIKE IT! I sometimes want to think outside of the box and not have any valid reason for my idea. I just want to do something fun!

When you work under someone else, their preferences outweigh yours and your creativity gets sidelined and sometimes even kicked to the curb entirely. Thank God for the Interwebs! Now, I can talk about my grey hair, my wonderful dating life (insert sarcasm)  AND USE ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! SEE!!!!! That's just part of the story. The main reason why I decided to blog is because I'm entering a new chapter of life: my 30s! My 20s were full of events that I wish I had captured better. Like most people, my 20s were an incredible time of growth. I learned very valuable and meaningful lessons on life, love, faith and liberty (I'll explain more later). As was reflecting on my 20s I thought, I want to publicly discuss/capture my 30s and start some conversations. So that's what I hope this blog does, start some conversations.

Deciding on a title for my blog was a bit challenging.  Although my professional work is in integrated marketing communications,  the advertising part has always been my weakness. I'm better at developing strategy which serves as a guide to the creative/designer folks. So I used my professional wits and thought this through. I probably thought too much about the title, but the end product is something I love: "My Timeless Moments."

The title had to be something quirky, yet a reflection of me and the type of content I wanted to share. I also knew I wanted an oxymoron just because those always make me think and laugh.

Merriam-Webster defines "timeless" as "staying beautiful or fashionable as time passes; lasting forever." "Moments" are defined as "a very short period of time; a particular time; a precise point in time." Combined, the phrase "timeless moments" to me means "short periods of events that will last forever because they are beautiful." I believe  my 30s are going to be "timeless moments."
What am I going to discuss on here? EVERYTHING! From pop culture, to politics, to faith, to friendships, to lessons learned, I hope you take time to join the conversation!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Make sure you subscribe by entering in your email address in the "Follow by email" tab.

  2. Your idea for a blog sound GREAT so far and I'm interested in following; so I will. I love your openness and honesty. Look at how God can move when you trust in him. :)

    1. You are so right and I'm looking forward to sharing my experience of following God and being open and honest.Thank you! Make sure you subscribe by entering in your email address in the "Follow by email" tab.
